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Internship/Temporary Work (I/TW) is time-limited, paid work. This service is designed to provide DVR consumers in-depth knowledge of day-to-day work requirements in a competitive integrated setting. Possible purposes may be to try out a job, determine an appropriate vocational goal, determine needs for rehabilitation technology or job accommodations, assist with work hardening, or develop a current work reference or new skills.
Internship/Temporary Work Experience (I/TW) |
60 days from authorization |
$750 Paid upon completion of I/TW |
An Internship/Temporary Work (I/TW) will typically range from two weeks to three months and should not exceed 90 calendar days without an approved exception request. The timeframe for the temporary work should be individualized, based on consumer and employer input, and the purpose of the service. In other words, Internships should not default to 90 days, but correspond to the purpose of the internship.
Temporary work services should not be provided for the purpose of maintenance (i.e., to meet the financial needs of the consumer). Consumers cannot work more than 40 hours per week or earn overtime during an I/TW.
If a provider believes that a consumer would benefit from an I/TW, they should not provide this option to an employer or discuss it with a consumer before discussion with DVR and an authorization is issued for the service.
Each I/TW site should be developed individually for each consumer based on their skills, interests, and meet the purpose of the internship/temporary work. DVR must identify the purpose and other goals for authorizing the service to the provider. (Current work reference, to build stamina, identify employment goal, etc.) It can be included in the notes section of the DVR PO, in the DVR service provider portal messaging feature, an email to the provider, or via direct phone conversations with the provider and DVR.
The service provider should not develop dedicated positions for temporary work at a set location or employer which become, in effect, a non-integrated position or “slot” for a consumer. Similarly, temporary work sites developed by educators in which groups of students perform work do not meet the definitions of individualization or integration. Any exceptions to this require WDA Director approval, and case facilitators should consult with their supervisors prior to authorization.
Some consumers may use I/TWs as a stand-alone service or with other DVR services including Systematic Instruction to support the consumer during the I/TW, Supported Employment, Job Search and Hire, or other services. The provider should continue deliver any authorized services during the timeframe of the I/TW.
The consumer and DVR must agree the site is an appropriate placement, consistent with technical specifications and the purpose as stated in the notes section of the of the DVR PO.
$750 | Internship/Temporary Work Placement and Reports: Payable upon delivery of acceptable service and timely report(s) within five (5) business days of the conclusion of the last day of the placement. Monthly reports are due to DVR within five (5) business days of the conclusion of the previous month of service for the length of the placement. Fee provided covers site set-up and ongoing worksite monitoring costs. Prevailing wages to the consumer are authorized separately to a contracted Employer of Record service. Completion of ongoing service and report not to exceed 60 days from issue of service authorization. |
The service provider cannot receive payment for an I/TW at their place of employment or as a sub-contractor of their place of employment, unless approved in advance by DVR Management.
If the full term of the I/TW is not completed, or the consumer does not start, the provider may be eligible for payment if:
An exception request will need to be approved by either the WDA Director or Supervisor:
DVR may choose to deny a proposal for an I/TW with an employment site if the reason for the employer request is based solely on the disability of the consumer.
Report Name and Link | Purpose of the Report | Use and Submission Details |
Job Development Plan and Monthly Report (DVR-18028-E) | Use this report to describe the actions taken to identify employment and/or internship opportunities for a consumer. |
Submit the report at the end of each month in which the service was provided. |
Internship/Temporary work Report (DVR-18025-E) | Use the first half of this report to describe the specific conditions of an Internship/Temporary Work that has been secured. Use the second half of this report to describe what the provider and consumer learned through the Internship/Temporary work. Submit this at the completion of the Internship/Temporary Work |
Submit initially following completion of activities Submit following Internship/Temporary Work conclusion *If Systematic Instruction is provided during an I/TW, the I/TW report is only required at the beginning and end of the I/TW to detail consumer progress. |
Internship/Temporary Work Agreement (DVR-17206-E) | Use this report to record agreement by the business, consumer and provider about the terms and conditions of an Internship/Temporary Work. |
After DVR approval of proposed Internship/Temporary Work |
Providers who are delivering Job and Task Analysis and Systematic Instruction must agree to have qualified personnel complete the services.
Starting in 2024, it is expected that DVR Service Provider staff will be required to complete the Wisconsin Association for Persons Supporting Employment First (APSE) of other Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE) approved course within 6 months of the start date of the provider staff. If a provider staff has previously been certified and has documentation by the IPS Center, APSE or ACRE, they will have met the requirement.
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation has identified service specific criteria for all statewide services. The list below contains objective information that DVR will begin to collect and use to establish baseline quality information, and eventually establish goals for quality improvement with our provider partners. The effort to collect the information, verify accuracy, establish data baselines and targets will take time and collaboration. DVR's goal in identifying these criteria in the technical specifications is to assist providers in understanding what elements DVR considers important in the delivery of statewide services.
Employer |
Wages per hour |
Hours per week |
Job Titles (by Sector |
% Job Title Match IPE |