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State law prohibits discrimination in housing on the basis of your membership in a protected class. The statute of limitations for filing a complaint is one year from the date the action was taken or the individual was made aware the action was taken.
Protected Classes | Description | Also covered in federal law |
Race | Generally, a member of a group united or classified together based on a common history, nationality or geography. | Yes |
Color | The color of a person's skin. | Yes |
Family Status | A household with minor children. A person who is pregnant or seeking custody of a child, or is planning adoption or guardianship is included. | Yes |
Disability | Having a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, or having a record of, or being perceived as having a disability. Service animals and Emotional Support animals also have special protection under the law. | Yes |
Sex | Sex, gender identity, or failure to conform to sex- or gender-based stereotypes. | Yes |
National Origin | Generally, a member of a nation by birth or naturalization or having common origins or traditions. | Yes |
Religion | Sincerely held religious, moral or ethical beliefs and practices. | Yes |
Marital Status | The status of being married, widowed, single, divorced, or separated. | |
Ancestry | The country, nation or tribe of the identifiable group from which a person descends. | |
Source of Income | The lawful source of a person's income, including wages, a voucher having monetary value, social security, public assistance or other related payments. | |
Sexual Orientation | Having a preference for heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality or having a history of being so identified. | |
Age | Being at least 18 years of age. | |
Status as a Victim of Domestic Abuse, Sexual Assault or Stalking |
The Wisconsin Fair Housing Law applies to many aspects of housing, which may include rental housing, single and multi-family homes, apartments, leases, home buying, homebuilding, real estate, condominiums and their associates, mobile homes, manufactured homes, financing of housing, and housing insurance.
The law prohibits the following types of discrimination:
Retaliation for exercising or enjoying a right under the law is also prohibited.
If you have a disability you are entitled to reasonable accommodations in rules, policies or services associated with your housing you may make necessary modifications to their rental properties at your own expense. If you are a renter, you have a responsibility to restore the rental housing to its original condition at the end of your lease.
If you have service animals or emotional support animals, you also have special protection under the law. It is illegal for someone to discriminate against you or deny you housing because of your service or emotional support animal. A service animal is an animal specially trained to perform tasks for you, while an emotional support animal is an animal certified by a medical provider as needed for your emotional support.
A complaint must be filed within one year with either the Equal Rights Division or through circuit court. Follow the directions on the complaint form to submit your complaint for investigation.
The Equal Rights Division has the power to investigate complaints, hold formal hearings, award remedies and facilitate settlement between parties.
The Equal Rights Division complaint process seeks to remedy situations in which housing discrimination is identified. Once a case is filed, the Division is authorized to request that a court stop the eviction process while it investigates, but it may not be able to pursue this remedy in all cases. If you are facing eviction, you should notify the Division, but may wish to also pursue other legal options in cases of an impending eviction.
Generally, the Wisconsin Fair Housing Law is not equipped to address situations of discrimination or harassment by neighbors or roommates.
The Wisconsin Fair Housing Law has limited rules regarding building accessibility; but if you have a disability, you may make reasonable modifications to the property at your own expense. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) sets accessibility requirements that are not part of state law. Grievances under the ADA can be made through the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division or a lawsuit.