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Labor Standards Retaliation


Wisconsin law prohibits an employer or person from retaliating against you for the following reasons:

  1. You attempt to enforce a right given to you under state labor standards laws;
  2. Your employer or a person believes you attempted to enforce or may attempt to enforce your rights under state labor standards laws; and
  3. You participate in on of our labor standards investigations.

You may file a discrimination complaint with us if you believe you are the victim of unlawful retaliation.

Does retaliation protection apply in every situation?

No. Retaliation protection under Wis. Stat. ยง 111.322 (2m) applies to the following laws only:

Can I file my complaint anonymously?

No. Employers must be provided a full and fair opportunity to respond to any claims made against them.

My employer has been treating me poorly ever since I filed a Labor Standards complaint. Am I being retaliated against?

It depends. Your employer must take an adverse employment action against you. Retaliation is not limited to termination. It includes demotion, reduction in hours or pay, denial of a promotion, reprimands, negative performance reviews, and other adverse employment action.

Contact the Equal Rights Division to learn more about what kind of behavior constitutes an adverse employment action.

How do I file a complaint?

If you feel you are the subject of retaliation you can file a Fair Employment Law Complaint (ERD-18359-E) with us.

For more information