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Effective: September 2024
These technical specifications should be followed for consumers pursuing self-employment. These services can be provided for consumer in Tiers 1, 2 or 3 as outlined in the Start Your Own Business Fee Schedule. The Feasibility Analysis and Business Plan Development Services are primarily for consumers in Tiers 2 and 3.
All documents should be typed, and submitted to the consumer and DVR, in a digital, editable format. The consumer needs to be able to easily edit any documents that pertain to their pursuit of self-employment with DVR.
The services and reports meeting the technical specifications should be completed within five (5) days of completion of the last meeting with the consumer or completion of the report. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) will pay the applicable fees for upon completion of an acceptable report. Payment for meetings is included in the fee provided unless otherwise indicated.
This service is intended to provide the consumer the assistance they may need to identify a business concept and/or during the self-employment process that is not defined in the other technical specification categories outlined in this document.
This service could be used at any point in time to answer specific questions that are not required to be addressed in feasibility analysis or the business plan. The service is typically 2-4 hours. Also include timeframe: consider w/in 30 days of authorization. It is expected that DVR staff and consumer will define reason(s) for referral and expected deliverables. Reasons for referral and expected deliverables will be shared in writing in the comments section of purchase order for the consultant.
This service can be requested by the consumer or could be offered by the VRC or VRS after consultation with a subject matter expert (SME) and/or Director/Supervisor.
Once decision for service need is identified, DVR staff person will contact provider selected by consumer and discuss service needed and anticipated number of hours needed to complete the service. DVR will provide referral information that will include case summary, other relevant referral information and specific service need. DVR staff will attend meetings with consultant and consumer as necessary.
Provider will contact consumer within five business days of receiving authorization and referral for specific referral deliverables, meet with consumer (and DVR staff as appropriate) and complete specific service request identified within 30 business days.
Written report must include:
The purpose of the Feasibility Analysis Report is to determine:
The analysis should provide quality information to assist the consumer and DVR in making decisions about the proposed business idea. It is expected that the consumer is an active partner throughout this process.
A plan for completing the feasibility analysis should be developed between the consumer and the consultant utilizing the reporting requirements below. Any tasks/assignments that need to be completed by the consumer should include time frames needed for the additional research/analysis, expected completion date(s) to submit their findings and detailed next steps.
If there are substantial changes to the business idea itself, the scope of business, a change in the geographic location, or target market area, DVR should refer consumer for a new feasibility study.
The business consultant and consumer will work to research, investigate, and analyze information needed to complete the feasibility analysis. The consumer, counselor, and business consultant should have points of contact during this process as planned and needed. A date should be established for the findings meeting. The business consultant will compile findings into a final Feasibility Analysis Report.
The business consultant will submit a written Feasibility Analysis Report to DVR within 60 business days. If more time is needed, it should be agreed to by the consumer, counselor, and business consultant.
Each area, as appropriate, should identify the source of the information and include supporting documentation to substantiate any claims made. Additional information can be included as needed. If a specific bullet point is not addressed, provide an explanation of why it has been omitted in the report.
A business mentor offers advice, guidance, and support to help a start-up business owner run and improve their business. This is an individual who works with their mentees to develop and improve their business ideas and strategies. Mentors are usually accomplished and successful people, who provide their mentees with the advice and guidance they need to run and operate a successful business.
Summary of Findings
Green Light - Research and findings suggest that the proposed business is feasible, why it is feasible and any recommendations. The feasibility of the business must also consider whether the consumer will require three or fewer months of training and that consumers in Tiers 2 or 3 will likely have the anticipated working capital within 3 months of the business plan being approved. The recommendation is to proceed with business plan development services.
Green Light on feasibility of business and 3 or fewer months of short-term training is needed and anticipated working capital will likely be available within 3 months of the feasibility study being approved.
Yellow Light - Research and finding suggest that the proposed business could be feasible. The feasibility of the business must also consider whether the consumer will require three months or more of training and that consumers in Tiers 2 or 3 will likely not have the anticipated working capital within 3 months of the business plan being reviewed. Provide overview of items supporting decision, list items needing further consideration before business would be feasible, and recommendations.
Yellow Light on feasibility of business or more than 3 months of short- term training is needed and/or anticipated working capital will likely take more than 3 months to secure.
Red Light - Research and findings suggest the proposed business is not feasible. The feasibility of the business also considered that consumers in Tiers 2 or 3 require more than 3 months of training and/or the consumer would likely not have the anticipated working capital within 3 months of review of the approved business plan. Provide an overview of items supporting why the business is not feasible.
Red Light - Review the feasibility findings with consumer and the business consultant. Address any questions/concerns. Inform consumer that DVR will not be able to provide additional self-employment services. DVR Staff will provide a denial letter and appeal rights. The consumer should be offered counseling and guidance to determine if they would like to pursue wage employment.
The purpose of the Feasibility Analysis Findings Meeting is for the consumer, counselor, and business consultant to meet and review the findings of the Feasibility Analysis together. This meeting is required and will allow for discussion regarding the findings, answer any questions or concerns, and identify next steps as needed. Mode of meeting can be determined by consumer and team.
The meeting is mandatory (can be either in-person or virtual). The following points should be discussed at the findings meeting:
The number one reason businesses fail is lack of planning! This includes poor management and being undercapitalized. Instead of making mistakes on paper, business owners too often make them with real money and real customers. That is why most funding institutions and agencies require business plans and refuse to fund business start-ups that cannot provide a well-developed plan.
The business plan should be developed between the consumer and the consultant within 90 days. Any tasks/assignments needing to be completed by the consumer should include time frames needed for the additional research/analysis, expected completion date(s) to submit their findings and detailed next steps. Identification of previous information to be used and resources needed to complete the business plan should be identified.
Rational for extension must be documented in IRIS and include:
Two service authorizations will be included in the purchase order:
The service is intended to be in two parts.
1. Business Plan Development | 2. Business Plan Review Committee Meeting |
This service will include the development of the business plan by the consumer with guidance from the business consultant as outlined in the initial meeting report. The consumer is to be an active participant in its development, based on their skills and abilities. The previously developed and approved feasibility study must be used to complete the business plan.
When the business plan is completed, the business consultant, consumer and counselor must meet either in person or virtually to review the plan to ensure that all the required information has been included and any questions have been addressed. If the business plan meets all the reporting elements, it will be forwarded to the business plan review committee. If the business plan does not, it will be sent back to the business consultant to make updates before payment will be made.
At the business plan review meeting, to the extent possible, the consumer should facilitate and lead the meeting with technical assistance from the business consultant. The consumer will be asked to present this plan to multiple audiences and should be able to explain the details contained in the plan. This meeting will allow for discussion regarding the report, answering of any questions or concerns, identifying any areas needing further clarification, and next steps to be identified, if applicable. As part of this meeting, the financial portions of the plan should be walked through to make sure that this portion of the business plan is understood by all parties.
The service will be divided into 2 lines on the purchase order. The first line is for the business plan development and the review meeting with the counselor, consumer, and business consultant. The second line is for the meeting with the business plan review committee.
Rational for extension must be documented in IRIS and include:
The following areas are to be addressed in the report. For each area, as appropriate, identify the source(s) of information used and include enough information to substantiate claims made. Additional information can be included as needed. If a specific bullet point is not addressed, provide an explanation of why in the report.
Title Page
The Executive Summary (brief summary of the entire business plan)
The Business Description
This service would only be used if the business consultant had correctly followed the business plan technical specifications and the consumer is not able to independently address the next steps outlined in the summary letter by the BPRC.:
The BPRC will provide a summary letter with action items that need to be addressed prior to making a final determination. The letter will include a statement that informs the consumer that they can complete the action items on their own or with the assistance of a business consultant.
Examples of when this service may be needed is:
The consumer and the VRC will discuss if business consulting services are needed to address the action items requested by the BPRC. If this service is needed, the DVR staff person will contact consultant selected by consumer and discuss service needed and anticipated number of hours needed to complete the service. DVR will provide referral information that will include case summary, other relevant referral information and specific services needed. DVR staff will attend meetings with consultant and consumer as necessary.
Provider will contact consumer within five business days, meet with consumer (and DVR staff as appropriate) and complete specific service(s) request identified within 30 business days.
Written report must include:
These consulting services are to be used after the business plan has been approved. These services are designed to ensure that the marketing, operations, and financial portions of the business plan are transpiring as anticipated. This service requires at least monthly contact by the business consultant to assess progress in implementing the action steps in the business plan and addressing any roadblocks the consumer is encountering. This service would be intended for Tier 2 and 3, but in some instances, could be used for Tier 1, if necessary.
Focus of this service could include, but is not limited to:
Provider will contact consumer within five business days of receiving the purchase order, meet with consumer (and DVR staff as appropriate). There is an expectation that the consult will meet at the consumer's business location, when applicable, as defined by DVR, consumer, and consultant.
Written report must include: