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Effective: October 1, 2013
Self-Employment Services are a category of services intended to assist a DVR consumer in making an informed choice about whether or not to pursue self-employment, and then guide a consumer through the process with assistance in completion of required steps. DVR and other knowledgeable individuals will help to gather important information about the DVR consumer and business. It is suggested that these services be used together with the Self-Employment Toolkit. Expected service timeframes have been developed and are intended to keep the consumer moving through the self-employment process. These timeframes should be adhered to as much as possible unless agreed to by all parties. There will be some differences in completion times for each step based on the individual needs of the business and the DVR consumer. Prior to authorization of any Self-Employment Services, the DVR consumer should have completed the Entrepreneur Readiness Assessment and the Business Assessment Scale.
The services and reports meeting the technical specifications should be completed within five (5) days of completion of the last meeting with the consumer or completion of the report. DVR will pay the applicable fees for upon completion of an acceptable report. Payment for meetings is included in the fee provided unless otherwise indicated.
The purpose of the Preliminary Feasibility Determination is to complete a preliminary review of the proposed business. This assessment will identify any initial concerns with the feasibility of the proposed business and provide recommendations as to if DVR should proceed with having a Feasibility Analysis completed. It is expected that the consumer be an active partner through this process.
The Preliminary Feasibility Determination takes part in three steps:
The Initial meeting should include:
After this meeting the business consultant will issue a Preliminary Feasibility Determination Report to DVR and the consumer within a maximum of 30 business days.
After the report is completed the consumer, counselor, and business consultant are to have a Findings Meeting to discuss the completed assessment, initial indicator of feasibility, and recommendations. Next steps for how best to proceed in the case should be identified.
If it is determined appropriate to proceed with the Feasibility Analysis, a plan for completion should be developed at this meeting, including: review of reporting requirements (see below), specific assignment/tasks consumer needs to complete with timeframes, and points of contact that should occur during this process. There should be time built in to allow for further study and research.
The purpose of the Feasibility Analysis Report is to determine if the consumer's proposed business idea is a viable business venture and to assist DVR in determining if it should support proceeding to business plan development. The study should research, investigate, analyze and identify reasons to proceed or not to proceed. It should provide quality information to assist the consumer and DVR in decision making. It is expected that the consumer is an active partner through this process.
If not developed previously, a plan for completing the feasibility analysis should be developed between the business consultant and consumer including: review of reporting requirements (see below), specific assignment/tasks consumer needs to complete with timeframes, and points of contact that should occur during this process. There should be time built in to allow for further study and research.
The business consultant and consumer will work to research, investigate and analyze information needed to complete the feasibility analysis. The consumer, counselor, and business consultant should have points of contact during this process as planned and needed. A date should be established for the findings meeting. The business consultant will compile findings into a final Feasibility Analysis Report.
The business consultant will issue a Feasibility Analysis Report to DVR within 60 business days. If more time is needed it should be agreed to by the consumer, counselor, and business consultant.
The following areas are to be addressed in the report. For each area, as appropriate, identify the source(s) of information used and enough information should be included to substantiate claims made. Additional information can be included as needed. If a specific bullet point is not addressed, provide an explanation of why it has been omitted in the report.
The purpose of the Feasibility Analysis Findings Meeting is for the consumer, counselor, and business consultant to meet and review the findings of the Feasibility Analysis together. This meeting will allow for discussion regarding the findings, answering of any questions or concerns, and for next steps to be identified as needed.
The meeting should include discussion regarding:
The purpose of the initial meeting is for the consumer, counselor, and business consultant to meet and develop an action plan for completing the business plan. A report will be issued within 10 days of the meeting.
Together at the meeting, all parties will review the required business plan reporting elements and develop an action plan.
Within 10 business days the business consultant will issue an action plan to the consumer and DVR outlining:
The purpose of the business plan is to outline, plan, and evaluate the entire business and judge its potential for success. It is essentially the new business's road map. A comprehensive and well-researched business plan is required for DVR's review and approval prior to DVR support of a consumer's proposed business.
This service will include the development of the business plan by the consumer with guidance from the business consultant as outlined in the initial meeting report. The consumer is to be an active participant in its development. The previously developed and approved feasibility study will be used to complete the business plan.
When the report is completed a face to face review meeting will be held. At the face to face meeting, to the extent possible the consumer should facilitate and lead the meeting with technical assistance from the provider. The consumer will be asked to present this plan for multiple audiences and must be able to explain the details contained in the plan. This meeting will allow for discussion regarding the report, answering of any questions or concerns, identifying any areas needing further clarification, and next steps to be identified if applicable. As part of this meeting the financial portions of the plan should be walked through to make sure they understood by everyone.
The completed business plan, issued by the business consultant, and the face to face business plan review meeting should be completed within a maximum of 90 days. If more time is needed it should be agreed to by the consumer, counselor, and business consultant.
The following areas are to be addressed in the report. For each area, as appropriate, identify the source(s) of information used and enough information should be included to substantiate claims made. Additional information can be included as needed. If a specific bullet point is not addressed, provide an explanation of why in the report.
If consumer will be providing one or more in-kind contributions, present market value should be listed in the business plan.
Title Page
The Executive Summary (brief summary of the entire business plan)
The Business Description
A completed Business Plan is required before a follow-up report, and/or meeting can be authorized by DVR. This service can be authorized when a question is raised regarding the business or a portion of the business, more information is needed in order to make a decision in regards to the business, or the business consultant is requested to attend a DVR Business Plan Review Team meeting. This may occur prior to or after the approval of the business plan by DVR.
Based upon the specifics of the case and what is being requested the consumer, counselor and business consultant will together determine a plan for completing needed items, assignments/tasks consumer needs to complete, timeframes for completion, and if a meeting is needed.
The business consultant will issue a report within five business days of the conclusion of the last contact with the consumer or meeting. If more time is needed it should be agreed to by the consumer, counselor, and business consultant. The report should, as appropriate, identify the source(s) of information used and enough information should be included to substantiate claims made.
Expected service timeframes have been developed and are intended to keep the consumer moving through the self-employment process. These timeframes should be adhered to as much as possible unless agreed to by all parties. There will be some differences in completion times for each step based on the individual needs of the business and the DVR consumer.
Feasibility-Preliminary Feasibility Determination Initial Meeting and Report |
Feasibility- Analysis Report and Findings Meeting | Report completed within 60 days of authorization |
Business Plan Development- Initial Meeting and Report | Meeting to take place within 30 days of authorization, Action plan completed within 10 days of meeting |
Business Plan Development- Final Plan and Review Meeting | Report completed within 90 days of authorization, meeting to take place as soon as possible after the report is issued. |
Business Plan Follow-up-Report, and/or Meeting | Report due within five business days of the conclusion of the last contact with the consumer or final meeting |