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May 6, 2016
Members present: Mary Jo Capodice, DO; BJ Dernbach (Chair); Amanda Gilliland; Richard Golderg, MD; Maja Jurisic, MD; Jeff Lyne, DC; Michael McNett, MD; James O'Malley(acting chair); Peter Schubbe, DC; Jennifer Seidl, PT; Ron Stark, MD; Sri Vasudevan,MD
Excused: Ted Gertel, MD; Barbara Janusiak, RN; Stephen Klos, MD; and Jim Nelson
Other Attendees: John Murray, Wisconsin Chiropractic Association
Mr. John Levene appeared at the meeting in place of Ms. Jennifer Seidl on behalf of the Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association. There was a motion by Mr. Levene to amend the minutes of the meeting on January 22, 2016 to revise the language for the amendment to DWD 81.06 (1) (k) tentatively approved at that meeting. Following a discussion by the members of the HCPAC Mr. O'Malley ruled it was not appropriate to amend the minutes of the last meeting in this manner and that Mr. Levene could present the HCPAC with other language to revise the amendment to DWD 81.06 (1) (k) later in the meeting.