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Ticket-to-Work holders are eligible if they receive assistance in developing an Individual Work Plan (IWP) from a private Employment Network
Yes, if a Plan of Employment is written up by Job Service or a Partner Agency.
The Employer's Tax Accountant
No documentation is required along with the Conditional Certification (form 9062), but the 8850 form is still submitted and within the 28-day deadline. Agencies with caseloads or with a contract with DWD can submit the 9062 form.
The employer needs to file the certification along with the tax form 5884 with their Federal and WI income/franchise tax returns.
Yes. The credit can become an incentive for the employer to hire someone they may not otherwise have hired. Also, the employee may be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit and various State/local tax breaks.
Records that support these credits are kept for 3 years from the date any income tax return claiming the credits is due or filed, whichever is later.
Through the applicant and/or relevant Government or private non-profit agency.
No. Unfortunately, the 28-day rule cannot be waived, because it is in the federal law.
Yes. First, the State Tax Credit Office most frequently denies applications because it does not have paper documentation or an audit trail of the workers eligibility.
If additional documentation is obtained, the state will reverse its denial and award the tax credit.
If there is still a disagreement as to eligibility, there are two appeal levels: State Coordinators, then DOL Regional Coordinators.
Please email DETWOTC@dwd.wisconsin.gov for assistance.
Yes. There are numerous private for-profit consulting firms who will contract with a business to do paperwork for a fee. Some accounting firms also provide the same service, usually to client businesses.