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Message to Federal Workers

Governor Evers

Wisconsinites are hard workers by nature—it’s part of our DNA here in the Badger State. We take pride in our hard work and our labor in Wisconsin, and we take pride in our workers—from our farmlands to our schools, to healthcare, manufacturing, and every industry in between, and to the folks who wake up every day to serve our neighbors, our communities, and our state as public workers.

That’s why it’s so important to us as Wisconsinites for federal workers looking for jobs to know this: we have a place for you here in Wisconsin.

We see your hard work, your experience, and your dedication to service, and we know you have valuable skills, unique backgrounds and perspectives, and a commitment to helping improve the lives of others. In this state, we value and take pride in these qualities in our neighbors and our workers. We know you will belong here.

No matter where you end up in Wisconsin, we have something for everyone of every age, interest, and background. We have world-class education and skills training from early childhood to our public university and technical college systems. We are home to Wisconsin staples like cheese curds, Friday fish fries, and supper clubs. We have amazing landscapes and natural resources to enjoy year-round, from the shores of the Great Lakes to the scenic bluffs to hiking along the Ice Age Trail. And the warmth and friendliness of our communities and the Wisconsinites who call our state home are simply unparalleled.

When times are tough, whether it’s an emergency, a natural disaster, or economic hardship and uncertainty, Wisconsinites come together, roll up our sleeves, and we get to work doing what we can to help support each other. Wisconsin welcomes the opportunity to support you just as you have supported us.

No matter where you are from or which valuable experiences or talents you bring, we know you have so much to offer that can help us continue our work making Wisconsin a great place to live, work, recreate, and raise a family. Wisconsin looks forward to welcoming you home.

Truly yours in service,

Tony Evers

Finding Your Next Career

Filing for Unemployment Benefits

If you have become unemployed or partially unemployed, you may apply for unemployment benefits online. File weekly claims to receive benefit payments after requirements are met.

  • Apply for unemployment benefits online - If you're out of work through no fault of your own, and you've worked for a covered employer in the last 18 months, you'll need to apply for unemployment benefits before you can begin filing a weekly claim.
  • File weekly claims - A weekly claim is what you file for a certain calendar week when you want to receive an unemployment benefit payment for that week.

Labor Market Exploration

Not sure about your next step? Consider career options based on your skills or labor market information.

  • Skill Explorer - Find your career path by searching by your experience, occupations by career groupings or educational level.
  • WisConomy - Labor Market Economists analyze and interpret labor force and economic data to supply projections and help users understand employment trends.
  • Hot Jobs - Hot Jobs are high projected growth occupations that have a median salary above state median, job growth greater than state average and most projected openings.

Job Loss Resources

We understand that job loss is one of the most challenging times in people's lives. DWD and the public workforce system are here to help. Moving on from a layoff is easier if you have the right information and tools.

  • Rapid Response Program - The Rapid Response Program helps employees who are faced with job loss because of a business closure or workforce reduction.
  • Dislocated Worker Program - Enroll in the Dislocated Worker Program to help you prepare for and land your next job.
  • Job Center Services - Did you know that staff at your local job center can connect you to a wide range of resources to help you land your next job?

Frequently Asked Questions

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Yes! Wisconsin is a great place for veterans to find a job or start a new career. The DWD Office of Veteran Employment Services can help you achieve your employment training goals.

Additionally, if you are interested in Wisconsin State Government, and you are a veteran who served in the armed forces who has a service-connected disability rating of 30% or more, you may be considered for jobs in state agencies without having to compete or take a civil service assessment through the Veterans Non-Competitive Appointment process.

DWD provides services to job seekers through the through the many Job Centers located throughout Wisconsin and also through the Job Center of Wisconsin employment web site. Local Job Service staff are available to assist by providing the following information and services:

  • Job Search Assistance
  • Individual and Group Career Exploration
  • Re-employment Services to Unemployment Insurance Claimants
  • Labor Market Information and Resources for Employers and Job Seekers
  • Job Seeker Resource Rooms with Computer Access and Staff Assistance Available
  • Workshops to Assist Job Seekers with Resumes, Interview Techniques, and other Work Search Skills
  • Technical Assistance and Liaison Services to Employers in Recruitment and Workforce Retention Planning

Contact your local Job Center for more details about programs and services available to you.

Wisconsin is America's Dairyland, bounded by Great Lakes, and the Mississippi River. The Ice Age is responsible for the state's varied landscapes and countless lakes. In addition to The University of Wisconsin – Madison, the Universities of Wisconsin offer excellent public campuses around the state. Professional sports teams include the Milwaukee Brewers, the Milwaukee Bucks and the Green Bay Packers. Residents are kindly referred to as Wisconsinites and Cheeseheads. Wisconsin is packed with unique spots and unforgettable experiences! Learn about Wisconsin by vising and Travel Wisconsin.

Yes! The Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF) forgives the remaining balance on your Direct Loans after you have made 120 qualifying monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan, while working full-time for a qualifying employer. You may be able to qualify for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program if you work for Wisconsin State Government.

The Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services has a complete list of professional licensure requirements. The list includes links to each profession-specific License Information page, lists the type of license for each, and links to the profession-specific Rules & Statutes page.