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DWD Administrative Rules

Current DWD Administrative Rules

View Administrative Rules for Department of Workforce Development

Status of Proposed Emergency Rules

Proposed Emergency Rule Status
n/a n/a

Emergency Rules Currently in Effect

Emergency Rule Effective Date Expiration Date
DWD 802: Technical Equipment Grants - EmR2418 December 10, 2024 May 8, 2025

Status of Proposed Permanent Rules

Proposed Rule Status
DWD 60: Business enterprise program for blind business operators - Statement of Scope SS 036-24 The Secretary-designee approved the Scope Statement on April 8, 2024.
DWD 80: Minor and technical changes to the Worker's Compensation Program - Clearinghouse Rule CR 25-005 On March 18, 2025, DWD submitted the proposed rule in final draft form to the Governor for approval.
DWD 80.32: Worker's Compensation minimum permanent partial disability ratings - Scope Statement 114-23 The Secretary-designee approved the Scope Statement on January 18, 2024.
DWD 81: Worker's Compensation treatment guidelines - Scope Statement 115-23 The Secretary-designee approved the Scope Statement on January 18, 2024.
DWD 270 and 271: Child labor and street trades - Scope Statement SS 042-24 The DWD Secretary-designee approved the Scope Statement on June 10, 2024.
DWD 272 and 274: Minimum wage and hours of work and overtime - Scope Statement SS 041-24 The DWD Secretary-designee approved the Scope Statement on May 29, 2024.
DWD 278: Human trafficking crimes training to every employee who is likely to interact with the public and vulnerable individuals, and affecting small business, as defined under s. 227.114 (1) - Scope Statement SS 084-24. The Secretary-designee approved the Scope Statement on August 15, 2024.
DWD 802: Technical education equipment grants - Scope Statement SS 085-24. The Secretary-designee approved the Scope Statement on August 15, 2024

Rules Open for Public Comment

Proposed or Emergency Rule Public Hearing Deadline for Submitting Comments
DWD 301: SS 017-25 Heat Illness Protections for Migrant Workers (Emergency Rule) March 26, 2025, at 10:00 am March 26, 2025, 5:00 p.m.

Public Comment on the Economic Impact of Proposed Administrative Rules

The Department of Workforce Development is in the process of preparing an economic impact analysis (EIA) for the proposed administrative rules found below. The Department is interested in obtaining information and advice from businesses, associations representing businesses, local governmental units, and individuals that may be affected by proposed administrative rules. The comments will be considered when the Department prepares an Economic Impact Analysis under s. 227.137, Wis. Stats.

You may comment electronically on a particular rule by clicking on the link in the Submit Electronic Feedback Column for the given rule, or mail feedback to the following:

Department of Workforce Development
Attn: Legal Counsel
P.O. Box 7946
Madison, WI 53707-7946

Pursuant to Executive Order #50 (2011) and s. 227.137, Wis. Stats., the Department must include in an EIA the information for the areas listed below. To review all of the information that must be included in an EIA, you may refer to the Executive Order and statutory provisions.

When submitting comments, please provide specific information for the areas listed below and include any supporting economic data, studies or reports. Please do NOT submit comments on the revisions to the rules at this time.

The following information must be discussed in an EIA:

  1. Any implementation or compliance costs that are reasonably expected to be incurred.
  2. Actual quantifiable benefits of the proposed rule.
  3. Whether the proposed rule would adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, jobs, or the overall economic competitiveness of the state.
  4. Economic impacts of alternatives to the proposed rule.

If you are a small business as defined in s. 227.114(1), Wis. Stats., please identify yourself as a small business in your comments. Please refer to s. 227.19(3)(e)3. and 4., Wis. Stats., for further information when you are preparing your comments as a small business.

You may view the status of current rulemaking and view documents associated with rulemaking at the Wisconsin Administrative Rules website. Wisconsin state agencies value your involvement in agency decision-making and have created this website to make it easy for you to monitor and participate in rulemaking.

Following the public comment period for the EIA, the Department will prepare a "Fiscal Analysis and Economic Impact Analysis" containing relevant information that is received. Once the EIA process is completed, the Department will submit the rule package and economic impact analysis to the Legislative Council under s. 227.15, Wis. Stats., and hearings on the proposed rule will then be held after proper notice in accordance with ss. 227.17 and 227.18, Wis. Stats.

Proposed Rules Open for Public Comment on their Economic Impact

Proposed Rule Date Updated Deadline for Submitting Comments Comment
n/a n/a n/a n/a