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DVR Service Agreement Reminders

Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2025
Subject: 2024-2026 DVR Service Agreement Reminders

Dear Service Provider,

The following message includes reminders about the 2024-2026 DVR Service Agreement and has only been sent to the main contact listed in your DVR Service Provider Portal Account. Please share with your staff that are responsible for managing your DVR Service Provider Portal Account.

  1. The current 2024-2026 DVR Service Agreement is in effect through June 30, 2026.
  2. Background checks are required once per agreement cycle.
    1. For personnel and/or subcontractors working under the 2024-2026 agreement, the background check date is valid until 2026.
    2. Personnel and/or subcontractors should inform you of any arrest or conviction within 48 hours of the arrest or conviction.
    3. Service providers must notify DVR if personnel or subcontractors are the subject of an investigation, had a new arrest or conviction, or added to the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry. Notification to DVR is required within two (2) business days from the time that you become aware.
  3. Required Trainings.
    1. Ethics: All personnel and/or subcontractors training completion dates must be within five (5) years) and reflected in the DVR Service Provider Portal. Please ensure that all personnel and/or subcontractor remain in compliance throughout the term of the agreement.
    2. IT Security Awareness: Training will be updated later this year. The main contact will be notified once the new training is available.
    3. DVR Technical Specifications: New personnel and/or subcontractors are required to review the technical specifications and training videos for each of the services they will provide to DVR consumers. No action is required for existing personnel and/or subcontractors.
  4. Personnel and Subcontractor Portal Profiles:
    1. Maintain Personnel and/or Subcontractors Profiles:
      1. Add new Personnel and/or Subcontractors.
      2. Enter effective end dates for former Personnel and/or Subcontractors.
    2. Maintain Service Locations:
      1. Update Communities Served when expanding to other counites or WDA(s) (Locations Tab).
      2. Remove Communities Served when reducing coverage area (Locations Tab).
  5. Record Retention:
    1. Immediately after the end of the retention period of three (3) years from final payment, all personally identifiable information and any other consumer related information shall be shredded or otherwise destroyed in a manner which protects the confidentiality of the information.
    2. Requirement applies to both electronic and paper files.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

David Knuth
DVR Contract Specialist