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Considering or experiencing layoffs? Let DWD help. If you are an employer considering or experiencing a business closing or downsizing, contact the State’s Dislocated Worker Program for Rapid Response assistance. The state’s Rapid Response Coordinators can help you navigate through this difficult process by connecting you with appropriate state and local contacts, identifying resources that can help your company and workers, and helping with the development and implementation of a transition strategy.
Services are tailored to best meet the company’s and workers’ needs and, because they are funded through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), they are offered at no cost to you or your workers. It is never too soon to contact us. Our early involvement is key to helping workers prepare to re-enter the workforce as quickly and seamlessly as possible.
Contact us by either calling (608) 405-4070 or emailing the Dislocated Worker Unit.
Federal and state statutes require employers to provide advance written notice of a business closing or workforce reduction in certain situations. Send the written notice to WIOATitleI@dwd.wisconsin.gov.