Program Details

Human Services Associate
Western Technical College
Helping others is as much of a calling as it is a career choice. As a human services associate, you will provide crucial information, resources, support, and advocacy for those facing a wide range of challenges. Western's program combines classroom instruction and field experience activities to give you the skills necessary to assist diverse groups of youth and adults dealing with issues like poverty, discrimination, child abuse, homelessness, addictions, physical and mental health problems, and disabilities. Graduates find employment opportunities in various agencies, including county human services, community-based organizations, residential treatment programs, and other settings dedicated to assisting individuals in need. Additionally, you have the option to pursue a bachelor degree in social work or related human service programs through Western's transfer opportunities. Show More

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This program is offered

N/A - Applications are accepted at any time.
Student success is our top priority. At the Learning Commons, we provide free, individualized guidance from specialists, instructors, and peer tutors in most courses. Our Math, Health Science, and Communication Skills Specialists help students focus on the key skills needed for individual academic career goals and beyond. Whether you are looking for help with class work or insight into the best study skills, the Learning Commons will help set you up for success! Email: Phone: 608-785-9198

Western's Refund Policy: Drop and Withdrawal Policy:

Program Enrollments and Completions
107 (45%)
107 (100%)
Employment Outcomes (Completions Only)
54 (51%)
23 (21%)


If there are fewer than eight enrollments in the training program, only the "Enrollments" number will be displayed; all other data is hidden in order to help protect the students' identities. The "Employment Outcomes" are calculated using information from Wisconsin's Unemployment Insurance Wage database. Most employers are required to report certain employment information to the State of Wisconsin, including quarterly wage information for their employees. Students whose information could not be verified in this database are excluded from these outcomes. If a "0" shows for any of these outcomes, it means that none of the students' information could be verified.


"Average quarterly wages" means the total wages earned in a three-month period by all students who completed the program ("completers"), divided by the total number of completers.

"Median quarterly wages" means all the completers' quarterly wages are placed in order from lowest to highest and then we identify the student's wages in the middle. This information is provided because averages can be greatly influenced by really high and low wage earners.

To estimate monthly wages, divide the quarterly wages by three.



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